Who knows what that is, but who knows what we are? Neither, I might contend. But am I a contender? Are you?
Ignonymity (c) Dr Lou 11-10-2023
I will never fade into, the depths of Ignonymity.
Yes that’s just a word that I just made up.
It’s about having a life that is nothing special.
It’s about coming here and taking and leaving nothing behind.
It’s about being good and selfish unto one’s family.
And have them gather around at the end and smile.
It’s about being born and growing to fine adulthood.
Then watching as the that life slides to demise.
It is so just fine to come here and live the fairy tale.
It’s also a choice to help the future, a word at a time.
So I thought about going away in ignominious manner.
To take the live you’ve been granted and casting it away.
But even those who don’t reach some form of notoriety,
Some day meet their bodies final moments in a similar way.
We all enter life the same way, born from a mother in a container.
And our spirit is the thing that is said to reside inside.
We are then educated every moment of our time here,
Whether we choose to attempt to understand it or not,
The only thing that is for sure is that trying is a choice.
We don’t have to if we don’t want to and many do not.
Because of this, many humans die in pure anonymity,
And they die in very ignominious ways.
These are the circumstances I call Ignonymity.
To die in a sad way, and never get remembered to many at all.
For in the memories of others, at least in part,
I tend to believe that a spirit can still exist or exist stronger I’d say
I like the idea of having a strong existence,
The thought that something you did here had relevance in some way.
A way, beyond the love and the care of a family based on birth,
But more important I tend to think, is a love for and from the family earth.
Maybe this whole thing is just one big experiment in a sick kind of way.
Is it normal for the lab rat to hate the scientist planning its horrible demise.
Does the lab rat sit in packs, writings stories and songs, and sing praises to holy nerd?
Do they draw pictures of them or call what they say some divine words?
Do they hear the voices of the scientist, and claim it to be their God?
Or do they just deny his existence, and wait to be pegged to be boards.
I won’t fade into the darkness of Ignonymity.
It may be okay for you, but certainly not for me.
I will shine as bright, and continue to write,
And I’ll live by the holy words: “we shall see”.